Tuesday, May 26, 2009

II Nephi 28-29

II Nephi 28: The bringing forth of the Book of Mormon will be in a day when other churches deny the power of God. Many saying the Lord has done his work and has given his power to men. Man then builds up his own church (not unto the Lord)saying hearken unto “my precept, my church is the Lord’s and they contend with one another. The philosophy of "eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die—but God will forgive us and save us anyway" prevails. Churches have gone astray because of pride, false teachers and false doctrine and many call good evil and evil good. Babylon must fall in a great way in order to shake those that belong to it into repentance. The Lord will be merciful –his arms are outstretched still. Wo unto all those who are at ease in Zion; who hearken unto the precepts of men; who deny new revelation; who tremble and fear; who are angry with God’s plan; who puts his faith in the arm of man. The Lord says we should receive and live the gospel in gladness!

Application: Am I happy? Do I follow Pres. Hinkley’s admonition to be joyful and to let our countenances radiate the good news and gladness of the gospel. Do I fear the “day of the Lord” or will I run joyfully to greet it . Am I diligent in staying on the path? Do I deny God’s power by trusting in my own arm of flesh? How much does personal pride (independence, self-centeredness) influence me?

II Nephi 29: The Lord admonishes us that He speaks to all his children everywhere and commands them to write his word. We will someday have the writings of all the lost tribes and all of thier scriptures will stand as an additional testament of Jesus Christ. We should not harden our hearts against the coming forth of new scriptures.

Application: Our Heavenly Father is the God of this world. We should seek and accept truth whenever it is presented. Live close enough to the Lord that you will be able to distinguish between truth and error. Pres Benson stated that we as a church are under condemnation for not utilizing and honoring what scriptures we have and that those additional scriptures will not be given to us until we have lifted that condemnation from us.

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