Monday, May 25, 2009

II Nephi 26 and 27

II Nephi 26: Signs of the birth of Christ are given. Signs of his second coming also given (V10) the Book of Mormon and its coming forth are also prophesied--Gentiles lifted up in the pride of their eyes,--churches built up-but they deny the power of God. Evil secret combinations on the earth—Christ’s only purpose is to help us and for our benefit. His arms are always open-but we must have charity for all men. Our purposes and efforts should be for the building up of Zion and for God, NOT for ourselves or to get gain.

Application: Watch and pray that you be not deceived.

II Nephi 27: In the last days iniquity will abound. All those who fight against Zion will experience a nightmare in return. The Book of Mormon’s coming forth prophesied. Portions are sealed which reveal all things from the foundation of the earth unto the end, but the time will come when the sealed portions will be revealed and widely distributed. But for now, they are sealed up in God’s wisdom. His works are revealed according to the faith of his children. The Lord states that people fear him because of the precepts of men. He says that honest truth seekers will come to an understanding even if they erred in the past. The Lord testifies of himself by bringing about great and marvelous works from seemingly impossible circumstances--for example, the translation of the Book of Mormon and the establishment of His church by an uneducated, poor farm boy.

Application: 1) Do I use and study the revealed scriptures daily and do my part so that the Lord will deem his people worthy to receive more knowledge? 2) Do I have the faith that my Father can bring to pass great miracles in my own life and family? Or that His power is sufficient to accomplish all things?

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